5 ways to stay in shape while working remotely
Working from home offers the luxury of a flexible schedule and the comfort of staying close to home. However, long hours at the computer, fewer reasons to move around, and the proximity of the refrigerator can quickly lead to unwanted pounds and health issues. But just because you’ve switched to remote work doesn’t mean you’re doomed to gain weight—there are many ways to stay fit without ever leaving the house.
1. Active breaks
Starting the day with a vigorous workout or jog is ideal, but not everyone can manage that. You don’t need to set aside a full hour for exercise. Instead, start small by adding short, consistent activities to your routine. Begin your day with 5–10 minutes of movement to wake up your body and mind. Then, break up your physical activity into several small blocks of 15–20 minutes throughout the day. These can include squats, push-ups, lunges, planks, or core exercises. The key is regularity. This may not get you into peak physical condition, but it will help keep unwanted weight gain at bay.
If you’re not a fan of intense workouts, try at least to keep your breaks active. Instead of reaching for your phone or social media during a break, get up, walk around, give your eyes a rest, and stretch. Simple movement will do wonders to combat the sedentary nature of remote work.
2. Mental health
Stress, anxiety, and reduced meaningful social interaction can impact your physical health. An effective way to support mental well-being is through meditation or breathing exercises, which help reduce stress and improve focus. Try starting your day with a few minutes of meditation, focusing on your breath and letting go of anxious thoughts.
3. Your workspace: a comfort and activity zone
Organize your workspace to support both comfort and activity. Use a height-adjustable chair to maintain good posture and prevent strain. You can also keep a fitness ball nearby and periodically use it in place of a chair while doing simple exercises. Little changes like this can keep you physically engaged throughout the day.
4. Balanced diet
Plan your weekly menu in advance and prepare healthy meals at home. This helps you resist the temptation to order fast food or snack on unhealthy treats. Try to eat regularly at set intervals, focusing on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. Limit sweets, refined flour products, and fatty foods. Stay hydrated by drinking adequate water throughout the day, and resist snacking at your computer or downing multiple cups of coffee.
5. Get a full night’s sleep
Lack of sleep can lead to overeating as we seek energy elsewhere. To keep your appetite in check, prioritize a regular sleep schedule. Working from home makes it easy to fall into the habit of frequent kitchen visits or snacking on high-calorie foods. By sticking to a consistent sleep and work schedule, you can minimize these temptations and stay in control of your health.
By following these tips, you can stay in shape, healthy, and productive while working remotely. The main ingredients are consistency and the desire to maintain your well-being. Try implementing these recommendations, and you’ll likely feel more energetic and productive. Remember, your health is your most valuable asset. Invest time and effort in it, and you’ll not only stay fit but thrive in your remote role.